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Staff Spotlight: Walter

We asked our amazing staff exactly twelve-and-a-half questions to get to know them a little bit better.  

Be sure to say hello to Walter next time you're in the Library! 

  1. Easy one... what's your name?
    Walter Martin

  2. Where do you work in the Library and what's your position?
    Tech Services - Receiving and processing material.

  3. How long have you worked at the Library?
    11 Years

  4. What do you like best about your job?
    Unboxing all of the brand new books, DVD's and audio material and readying it for all of our patrons to use.

  5. What is the proudest moment in your life?
    Any time I've gotten to perform or release music.

  6. What is the most important thing you have learned in the last five years?
    Real Science and sincere truth are priceless.

  7. Three words to best describe you:
    Caffeinated, Driven, Sleepy

  8. If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see?
    The night in Las Vegas when Tupac Shakur was murdered, Want to know who did, if it actually happened, and how a city with thousands of eyes in the sky missed that moment.

  9. Favorite book quote?
     “There are things of such darkness and horror—just, I suppose, as there are things of such great beauty—that they will not fit through the puny human doors of perception.” Stephen King—Skeleton Crew

  10. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
    Tequila lollipop with the worm inside.

  11. What is your favorite thing to do in Temple?
    Hang out with friends and make music.

  12. You’re happiest when?
    Making art, specifically music either on stage or in studio.

Written by Jenniffer Hentzen, Adult Services Supervisor 

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